Our instructors are Black Belt Professionals. Their energy, enthusiasm, helpfulness and friendliness are proof that our program works. Parents enrolling children and teens are reassured to know that classes are conducted by instructors who expect best behaviour, uphold rule, and provide continuous supervision. They strive daily to be the best they can be and they're dedicated to passing along that special quality of assurance and achievement to every student.
Sensei Ursula Skosana General Secretary: Kuyukai South Africa
- Started Goju Ryu Karate in 1986
- Graded Shodan under the late Rudi Strydom Shihan (Seiwa-Kai) in 1993
- Graded Nidan under Ben Mare Shihan in 1996
- Ma (Women)-Africa Awards – Provincial level: 2000
- Finalist eMalahleni Mayoral Awards: Best Sport Person: 2001
- Bronze Medalist: Kumite: KSA National Senior Championships: Durban: 2004
- Silver Medalist: KSA National Women Cup: Pretoria: 2006
- General Secretary: Mpumalanga Karate Association: 2006
- Winner eMalahleni Mayoral Awards: Best Female Sport Personality: 2006
- Department of Correctional Services: Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Region: Regional Commissioner’s Award: Best Female Sport Person: 2007
- Appointed General Secretary: Kuyukai South Africa: 2007
- Nidan Confirmed and certified instructor: NGKKI: 2007
- Graded Sandan under Saiko Shihan Osamu Hirano, Shihan Seiji Teramura, Shihan Ali Azizi (Belgium) and Shihan Richard De Haas (Netherlands): Belgium : 2008
- Africa Goju Ryu Karate Federation Championships: Stellenbosch: 2nd Kumite and 3rd Kata: 2008
2009 – World Police & Fire Games, Vancouver, Canada :- 1st Place- World Champions: Ladies Team Kumite, 3rd Place – Senior Ladies Individual Kumite