Goju Ryu Karate Kuyu-Kai grading is conducted as follows:
* Dojo Grading/ Provincial Grading: (White belt to 1st Kyu Brown belt)
The grading must be conducted by the panel of three instructors under the supervision of the panel head of the grade/ rank of Sandan (3rd Dan Black belt)
* National Grading:
All Dan black belts grading will be conducted by the panel of 3rd Dan/ higher instructors under the panel head of the National Chief Instructor
* International Grading:
San-Dan (3rd Dan) and higher grades are conducted by Saiko-Shihan Hirano or delegated senior instructor appointed by the honbu dojo in Japan.
* All kyu’s grading must be conducted on quarterly basis.
* Black belt training terms for grading:
1st Kyu brown Belt to Shodan = at least 1 year after 1st Kyu test
Shodan to Nidan = 2 years after Shodan test
Nidan to Sandan = 3 years after the Nidan test
Sandan to Yondan = 4 years after Sandan test and must be over 27 years of age
Yondan to Godan = 5 years after Yondan test
Godan to Rokudan = 6 years after Godan and must be 35 years of age and older
Rokudan to Shichidan = 7 years after Rokudan test and must be 41 years and older
Shichidan to Hachidan = 8 years after Shichidan test and must be 48 years and older